Rian Sema Roon Hok Rob


Luang Phor Ngern


Wat Donyaihom


Nakhon Pathom


4th Batch

Category Type



Nur Thong Daeng Rom Dum

Quantity Produced


Year (B.E.)


Year (C.E.)


Status For Show Only

Rian Sema Roon Hok Rob (6th Cycle Batch medal) was consecrated by Luang Phor Ngern, Wat Donyaihom, Nakhon Pathom province by re-using the original front mould of Luang Phor Ngern’s 1st batch medal created in B.E.2493. This is Luang Phor Ngern’s 4th batch Rian Sema medal which was created to commemorate Luang Phor Ngern reaching his 6th cycle which is 72 years of age.

This batch of medals were created by re-using the original front mould of the first batch medal, which was re-used twice previously for the 2nd batch (B.E.2497) and 3rd batch (B.E.2500) medals. The mould has already deterriorated to the point where the features has became less clear and also with many excess material forming on the surface.

There were only 3 types of materials used:

  • Nur Thong Kham (Gold)
  • Nur Ngern (Silver)
  • Nur Thong Daeng Rom Dum (Fumigated Copper)

It is believed that only a total of 10,000 pieces were created for all materials combined.

This piece shown is Nur Thong Daeng Rom Dum but the original “Rom Dum” (black coating) has degenerated due to inadequate preservation and has been washed off. However, it is very easily authenticated and the mould is clear and sharp which is very rare to come by. It is encased in high-quality silver casing.

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